New Schenck food grade stainless steel bag house model 39CSER4;’ serial number 1100100702-16C1-1. Food grade unit with pulse jet cleaning. Complete with timer and explosion vent system. Tated for 1.25 PSI at 200°F. Hopper has two bolted and gasketed clean out-inspection ports. Design is for quick clean hand operated latches for quick opening and cleaning.
Collector has 24” diameter cv technology interceptor flameless explosion venting system with rupture disc and flame arrestor combination for explosion venting indoors. Maximum KST is 250. Model FTZU 08 ATEX 0367X
Top section is 48″ diameter x 46″ high. Bottom cone is 48″ diameter x 59″ tall. Unit has one 10″ diameter outlet flange and one 18″ cleanout and four airpads.
Two units available
Two units available: Basically identical except one hopper is slightly shorter than the other.
Price, each collector, NC…….. $ 29,500.00
Price is for each, 2 units available.
Additional Prep Fees May Apply